
A Little Bit About Our Church


In March 2007, a small and close-knit group of people prayerfully began to work. We signed a one-year lease for two vacant store-fronts, believing that God had a work for us to do and that he would give us direction and provide for every need.

As prayer continued, December 2008 we moved into our current home on Newton Street. God continued to guide, provide and bless every step of the way. Our new facility gave us the space we needed to reach our community better than ever.

What started with prayer, continues in prayer! We’re here to help and to serve. We are witnesses to the abuses that this world inflicts upon its inhabitants. So with compassion, we reach out as the Body of Christ to bring hope, peace, love and deliverance to the souls in this community. Whether you’re facing the stresses of balancing your professional life and your family life, or if you’re a single parent at your wit’s end… whether you’re living with fear from criminal activity near your home, or oppressed by the intimidation and despair that accompany drug and alcohol abuse… It is our mission to facilitate peace and restoration, and to improve the quality of life, both spiritual and natural, for everyone in the community.

So come and join us. Get to know us, but more importantly get to know Jesus. He knows your name, He loves you as you are today, and He wants to show you who you are through His eyes and what you’re worth to Him who created you.